Deciding how much money to give at a wedding in Canada can be a delicate matter. Wedding traditions and etiquette vary across different cultures and regions, so it’s important to consider these factors when determining a suitable gift amount. While there are no hard and fast rules, there are some general guidelines that can help you navigate this situation.

One of the most common approaches in Canada is to cover the cost of your plate. This means that you should aim to give an amount that is equivalent to what the couple is spending on each guest. Wedding costs can vary significantly, ranging from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per guest. To determine the expected amount, you may need to do some research or ask around discreetly to get an idea of the average wedding costs in your area.

If you’re unsure of the wedding expenses or are unable to find out, a general guideline is to give a gift amount that is between $100 to $200 per guest. However, keep in mind that this range can be higher or lower depending on your relationship with the couple, your financial situation, and the level of extravagance of the wedding.

Close family members, such as parents, grandparents, or siblings, may choose to give a more substantial gift, sometimes exceeding the amount per guest. This gesture emphasizes their special relationship and support for the couple. Similarly, close friends or relatives who are unable to attend the wedding may choose to give a larger monetary gift to compensate for their absence.

If you’re attending the wedding as part of a couple, it’s generally expected that the gift amount will reflect this. Instead of giving the same amount as an individual guest, consider giving a higher amount that acknowledges the couple as a unit. For example, if the suggested amount per guest is $150, you may consider giving $200 to $300 as a couple.

Wedding registry is another factor to consider when deciding on a gift amount. Many couples create a wedding registry, allowing guests to choose from a list of desired gifts. If you opt to purchase a gift from the registry, the gift value should generally align with the amount you would give in cash. However, keep in mind that wedding registries are optional, and it’s perfectly acceptable to give a monetary gift instead.

In some cases, couples may request “no gifts” or ask for donations to a specific cause or charity. In such situations, it’s respectful to honor their wishes and make a monetary contribution towards the cause they’ve chosen. The amount is entirely up to you and your ability to give, but it’s always appreciated when you support a cause that holds meaning for the couple.

When giving money as a wedding gift, it’s customary to present it in a card or envelope. Some couples may also provide a well-decorated box or bag where guests can discreetly place their envelopes. Avoid giving cash or checks directly to the couple during the event, as it may cause inconvenience or be misplaced.

In conclusion, determining the appropriate amount of money to give at a wedding in Canada can be influenced by various factors, including the couple’s relationship, your financial circumstances, and the wedding’s overall scale. While there are guidelines to consider, ultimately, the decision should be made based on your own judgment and what you believe is a meaningful and generous gift for the couple on their special day.

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