As an AI language model, I don’t have real-time data, but I can provide some general information on Canada’s financial support to Ukraine. However, keep in mind that the figures may always be subject to change. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is advisable to consult official government sources or research institutions.

Canada has been a longstanding supporter of Ukraine and has provided financial assistance to the country for various purposes. The funds sent by Canada to Ukraine encompass diverse areas such as humanitarian aid, economic development, democracy support, security, and, most prominently, support for the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Since the onset of the Russian aggression in Ukraine in 2014, Canada has significantly increased its financial assistance. In fact, Canada has consistently been one of the largest donors to Ukraine among western countries. According to official reports, by 2020, Canada had provided over $800 million in support to Ukraine since 2014.

This financial assistance covers a broad range of initiatives aimed at helping Ukraine build a stable, democratic, and prosperous future. A significant portion of the funds has been allocated to humanitarian aid, including emergency response, food assistance, and medical help, particularly for those affected by the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.

Additionally, Canada has supported economic development projects in Ukraine, focusing on sectors such as agriculture, small business development, and infrastructure improvements. This assistance aims to strengthen Ukraine’s economy, create job opportunities, and enhance the overall well-being of its citizens.

Canada has also provided substantial support for democracy and governance programs in Ukraine, focusing on strengthening institutions, promoting human rights, and advancing the rule of law. This support aims to help Ukraine build transparent and accountable democratic systems that are resilient and responsive to the needs of its people.

In terms of security assistance, Canada has been actively involved in helping Ukraine enhance its defense capabilities. This support includes the provision of non-lethal military equipment, training for Ukrainian armed forces, and cooperation in defense sector reforms.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to financial assistance, Canada has shown diplomatic support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. This has included imposing economic sanctions on Russia and supporting Ukraine in international forums such as the United Nations and NATO.

While the figures vary from year to year, Canada’s commitment to Ukraine remains steadfast. The funding provided by Canada has helped Ukraine navigate through various challenges, including ongoing conflicts, economic reforms, and systemic transformations. Financial assistance from Canada and other international partners has contributed significantly to Ukraine’s recovery and development efforts.

However, it is important to note that the financial support provided by Canada is only a part of the overall international aid sent to Ukraine. Many other countries, as well as international organizations such as the European Union, have also pledged substantial amounts to assist Ukraine during these challenging times.

In conclusion, Canada has sent significant financial support to Ukraine since 2014, with a total contribution surpassing $800 million by 2020. This support covers a wide range of areas such as humanitarian aid, economic development, democracy support, and security. Canada’s commitment to Ukraine’s well-being remains strong and continues to play a vital role in helping the country overcome its challenges and pursue its path towards stability, democracy, and prosperity.

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